The International Council Museum Berggruen Berlin consists of friends and patrons of the arts. Its aim is to keep the Museum Berggruen - Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin world-wide ever-present and alive.
In 1996, upon the invitation of the 'Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz' (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation), Museum Berggruen - Nationalgalerie was founded in honor of art dealer, art collector, writer and patron Heinz Berggruen (1914-2007) in his hometown Berlin. The neoclassical building opposite Charlottenburg Palace has since housed his internationally significant collection of works by Picasso, Matisse, Klee, and Giacometti, which Heinz Berggruen transferred to the 'Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz' (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) in 2000.
The Museum Berggruen, which belongs to the Nationalgalerie in the umbrella organization of 'Staatliche Museen zu Berlin' (National Museums of Berlin), was enthusiastically received by Berlin and the international art world alike. Untill today more than two million visitors saw the collection. In the beginning of 2013 the museum has been extended with a glass pavilion to encompass the neighboring building and a sculpture garden. The extension was opened on March 15, 2013. Beside the collection and further important loans from the Berggruen family the museums presents on 1250sqm exhibition space changing exhibitions in context of the collection. From Novemver 17, 2016 to March 12, 2017 the museum will present the special exhibition GEORGE CONDO. CONFRONTATION.
Founded in 2007, the International Council is linked to the Friends Committee ‚Förderkreis Museum Berggruen Berlin ’, who’s board director is Nicolas Berggruen. Every year in early summer - just before the Art Basel opens its gates - the International Council members from all over the world are invited to meet in Berlin. In the moment the Berggruen Museum is closed for renovation, therefor there will be no events in Berlin.
Friends Committee 'Förderkreis des Museum Berggruen Berlin e.V.'
The Friends Committee 'Förderkreis des Museum Berggruen Berlin e.V.' was founded in July 2007 to support the museum in every possible way. Idea is to support exhibitions, events and publications financially and intellectually. Founding members are Nicolas Berggruen (chairman), Bettina Berggruen, Helen Berggruen, Olivier Berggruen, John Berggruen, Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Lehmann (vice chairman), Prof. Dr. Peter-Klaus Schuster, Prof. Dr. Michael Naumann, Simon de Pury and Prof. Dr. Peter Raue. Further members are: Prof. Dr. W. Michael Blumenthal, Prof. Dr. Michael Eissenhauer, Samuel Keller, Udo Kittelmann, Prof. Dr. mult. Hermann Parzinger and Gabriele Quandt.

Associated to the Committee is the International Council, a reunion of 550 friends of the Museum. They meet once a year in June in Berlin for exhibition visits and dinners and regularly get news and information on the Museum. A membership in the International Council can only be obtained by invitation by the chairman.